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Real Environments Blender Addon V1.0 Free download
Since the biomes are 100% procedural, you can create an infinite amount of different patterns. The pack comes with 10 crafted biomes, suitable for a variety of applications.
This is an interesting add-on – basically what it does is it uses the microdisplacement function of cycles in order to simulate a 3D surface in a rendering – it’s basically generating a flat plane, then using procedural generation to create a 3D surface with textures applied to simulate a 3D image.
One thing we’re going to have to do is go into the feature set of cycles and set the feature set to “experimental” to get access to the microdisplacement features.
Then, we’re going to apply a subdivision modifier to our surface, and select the option for “adaptive.” If you get too much of a surface change when you do this, go into edit mode and subdivide your surface.